I have a note beside my desk that says this;
"It's going to be ok."
It's pretty crazy how often I need to look at it.
It's funny though how five words that may seem simple to someone else, can be a lifeline to me. It kind of reminds me of a sign someone held up in the cheering section on the side of the road at the Victoria Marathon this year. It said'
"You are smart."
And I saw it around kilometer 29, right when I needed to be reminded that I was smart and signing up for this run wasn't the biggest mistake of my life.
Sometimes, when we're in the thick of it, we need reminders about the most basic things. We need posty-notes on our desks that say "Jesus loves you" and "This too shall pass".
Most days I need to be reminded that "it's going to be ok". Not because I think the world is falling apart, but because I need to remember that this does not rely on me.
I need to remember that if I dont show up, the Kingdom will still press forward and God will still build His church. I need to remember that no one will die if I miss a deadline or don't know everything. But most of the time, I just need to remember that God has a good plan, and even if I can't see it, He'll work it out... and it will be more than ok.